Employees working on communication presentation

Your senior leadership team wants an update on your employee communication efforts this quarter, and you have less than 10 minutes to present. How will you pull this off?

Instead of a lengthy metrics report (yawn), consider presenting a scorecard: a visual snapshot of how your internal communication program is performing. The simplicity of a scorecard helps leaders quickly grasp the value of your efforts and embrace your ideas for change.

What types of information should you share with leaders? Here are four things to include in your employee communication scorecard:

Leader communication efforts
How well are leaders delivering on their employee communication role? Show how many communication activities—town halls, coffee chats, blogs, online discussions, etc.—leaders have been involved with. Include feedback from employees about those efforts.

Email/intranet stats
Demonstrate the effectiveness of email and the intranet by sharing key usage metrics, such as clicks and opens, most-viewed pages or articles, average visit duration and mobile usage. 

Employee interest
Help leaders understand the topics employees care about and where employees feel more information is needed. Share the top 10 stories and other content employees access on the intranet. Compile the topics employees ask the most questions about in town halls and other forums.

Employee feedback
How do employees feel about internal communication? Share feedback from recent surveys (town hall or comprehensive internal communication surveys) or comments submitted on your intranet.  

Once you’ve shared the data, provide recommendations for improvement. Show leaders what actions you intend to take to build on your internal communication program’s strengths and boost your efforts in the months to come.