
Can’t find time to create an employee communication plan? This short video will show you how to build a great plan—fast—by collaborating with your colleagues. 



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Communicator: Ah! My manager just told me there's a big change coming that affects all employees.

I need to create a communication plan right away. I have no time! What do I do?

Communicator: I'll ask Simone–she's an internal communication planning expert.

Simone: First, take a deep cleansing breath. Okay, here's my advice. Instead of spending hours working on your own, bring smart people together to collaborate on your plan. Doing so actually saves time.

Communicator: That sounds good! How do I do that?

Simone: Here are three steps to help you organize your planning session:

  1. First set aside time for a planning session; two to four hours is ideal.
  2. Then, get the best minds in one room. Invite subject matter experts and key stakeholders to your session.
  3. Finally, gather ideas that reflect different perspectives and help solve tough challenges. Make sure you capture everything from the session, then build your plan from there.

Communicator: All right! That meeting helped me get this plan done in no time!

Simone: Want to learn more about planning? Download the Davis & Company Smart Guide.