Your employee focus group is around the corner and you’re ready: participants have been invited and the discussion guide is set. What could possibly go wrong? Despite all the planning in the world, sometimes participants can throw you off track.
As a moderator, you need to be prepared to juggle multiple responsibilities and deal with the unexpected. Here are five challenging participants you might encounter and how to handle each one without breaking a sweat:
The rambler This person begins talking about one idea and then another until the person gets lost—far from his/her original idea.
Here’s what you do: Refocus the discussion; get other participants involved.
For example:
“Thanks Sandra, for those thoughts. Would anyone like to add anything on the point Sandra was making about [the original topic]?” |
The monopolizer This person seems to do all the talking and does not give others a chance to contribute.
Here’s what you do: Acknowledge the speaker’s expertise and then turn back to the group and engage his/her ideas.
For example:
“Thanks—you obviously have a lot of experience with this topic. Now I’d like to hear from someone else. Who else has some thoughts about this?” |
The baffler This person has good ideas, but cannot seem to phrase them in a way that others can understand easily.
Here’s what you do: Do not call attention to the problem. Instead, clarify the idea.
For example:
“I want to make sure I understand what you’re saying. To paraphrase…” |
The bystander This person may be timid or insecure, and allows others to do the talking.
Here’s what you do: Gain interest by asking for his/her opinion, but be careful not to put the person on the spot.
For example:
“Let’s make sure we’re hearing from everyone. Joan, would you give me your thoughts on [this topic]?” |
The sidetalker This person tends to have distracting side chatter, regardless of whether it’s related to the topic at hand or personal.
Here’s what you do: Do not embarrass those engaged in side chatter. Ignore the side talker, but not for long. If it continues, explain that you are having difficulty hearing or focusing on what others are saying.
For example:
“I want to make sure we capture what everyone is saying. Jim and Sally, can you share your thoughts on [this topic]?” |