We're often asked, "How can I make my communication more visual?" For inspiration, we'd like to take you back—way back to grade school—when pictures were your primary communication tool.
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Reduce stories/concepts to main ideas
In the kindergarten class, stories are used to teach cause and effect. In this example, our young student, Sophie, told her story in a three-frame storyboard.
Imagine asking your CEO to explain the corporate strategy in three PowerPoint slides!
Map a process
This is a great example of a process map that helps a child understand how an egg becomes a butterfly. Notice that illustrations command the most attention, while words play a supporting role. But there's more! Audrey's first-grade class used the map to have a discussion about the butterfly's life cycle, while she numbered the sequence. Visual AND interactive! Nice.
Processes in the business world are complicated: layered approvals, several departments and many roles. Visualizing them gets everyone on the same page quickly.
Use visuals as short cuts
First-grader Audrey intuitively understands that she can use a picture to represent her wish, "No boys allowed in Audrey's room."
For adults, icons (visual short cuts) help us navigate our complicated world faster. If you've ever been in a rush to find a restroom in an airport, you understand how effective this can be.