879 Results

Mergers and acquisitions are an attractive growth strategy for many companies. However, every merger (or acquisition)...


Stories are everywhere: movies, books, magazines, and throughout our social media feeds. Storytelling helps...


Recognizing employees for their hard work and accomplishments is important to all organizations, big and small. In fact...


From employee satisfaction in the 1970s to employee engagement in the 2000s, the quest to connect with employees is not...


When it comes to change, employees want to be able to quickly understand what’s happening and why. Most importantly...


As you’re working through your change communication plan, it’s important to remember that each employee group will be...


Recently, we experienced “draft season” here in the United States. As a huge sports fan, I was glued to the TV, waiting...


Learning and development benefits employees and the organization. Find out how to turn employees into fans of your L&D...


It takes a lot more than a two-hour orientation to make new hires part of the organization. Learn how to revamp your...

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“Invest in this book. Your boss will wonder how you got so smart overnight!” 

Becky Healy 
Agency Communications Manager, State Farm Insurance

 “Easy to read, visually appealing and a wonderful addition to a communicator’s toolbox.”  

Pete Birle 
Communications professional/author