
If you’re wondering how a person might take the challenges of 2020 and turn them into professional triumph, look no further than Lucy Obozintsev, Davis & Company’s newest project manager.

As a project specialist for the consulting team, Lucy has been deftly executing tactics with precision, an eye for client experience and a sense of humor since August 2018, when she joined the firm.

For 2020, Lucy set her sights on getting to the next level. With the help of her supervisor, Senior Project Director Breana Van Rye, Lucy focused on not just accomplishing her work, but thinking strategically about her approach and delivery. Whether that included suggesting better ways to do something or anticipating client and team needs, Lucy took ownership when appropriate and sought guidance when needed.

“Our shift to an all-virtual work setting was abrupt, but easier than expected. We have strong tools to bridge the distance,” says Lucy. “So I stayed focused on my goals, which were the same no matter where I worked.”

Nicely done, Lucy. Congratulations!