We love to celebrate! (Did you hear the champagne pop?)
We’re proud to recognize amazing colleagues who deserve a round of applause for their long-term commitment to Davis & Company and dedication to our clients!

Casey Gatti 

Congratulations, Casey, on 25 years with Davis & Company! It’s an amazing milestone that we’re honored to celebrate with you.

We asked Casey what makes Davis & Company special? For me, what's so special about this company is the opportunity I have to be creative across various spaces (video, interactive, IT), which has led to the continuous evolution of my professional career. No day is ever the same. And the people are awesome! 

Lorraine Fabiano
Casey Gatti
Stacy Weidenmuller
Janice Comes
David Pitre
Breana Van Rye
Caroline Gleason
Christine Burri
Robert Tepper
Courtney Swartzel
Alyssa Zeff
Patrina Marino